My sites
A list of all the sites I own and maintain.
Odd One Out

My site for anything technical and code related. Lots of different projects - anything from external graphics cards, DIY ambilight, cryptocurrency mining, ESP8266 tinkering and more.
The name “Odd One Out” was derived from an old testcase at work where we looked for deviations in production data - the odd data that stod out from the rest. The same can be said about my curiosity - I find something that stands out and geek out!
The FinTech revolution is upon us and a perfect time for me to explore how to take advantage of it. Anything from credit cards, payment transfers and banks!
About me
A dad with no free time, but in those rare instances when the planets align and I need to satisfy my curiosity, I blog my findings here.
You can contact me by social media: